Elvefa Relief and Development Organization is a non-governmental organization, established in Istanbul, Turkey, on March 12, 2014, with registration number (34/201/184). The organization provides relief support and development projects to communities affected by crises and disasters. Its activities include offering shelter, food, education, and health care, while also implementing development initiatives that foster sustainability and self-reliance.

Operating on principles of transparency and credibility, Elvefa adheres to humanitarian values in all its work. The organization is led by a team of dedicated professionals and experts who strive to maximize positive impact through collaboration with local and international partners. With the support of donors and volunteers, Elvefa improves quality of life and upholds human dignity for the communities it serves, focusing on building a brighter, more sustainable future.


We strive to achieve excellence in all our activities by providing efficient and high quality services.


We focus on continuous innovation to ensure we deliver the best solutions in relief and development.


We work to achieve sustainability through capacity building and empowerment for self-reliance.

A decade of achievements…

Elvefa and achievement..

Our steps towards change and positivity

  • Providing urgent relief support

    Elvefa provided urgent relief to thousands affected by conflicts and disasters, distributing food, water, and essentials to the most vulnerable.

  • Achieving sustainable development

    The organization promotes self-reliance and sustainability through education, vocational training, and agricultural projects, empowering families for a stable future.

  • Building strong partnerships

    Elvefa has forged strong partnerships locally and internationally, expanding its reach and impact while delivering high-quality services.

Our choice is loyalty
For everyone we work with...

At Elvefa Relief and Development Association, loyalty drives all our efforts. We are committed to providing food, shelter, education, and healthcare to those in need, ensuring a decent life for all.

We support orphans, affected families, and refugees, helping them achieve stability. Our loyalty extends to partnerships, ensuring efficient delivery of resources and services. We promise continuity, quality, and a commitment to sustainable development.

Our vision for the future

We believe the best awaits us and those we aid and assist.

  • Expand aid and target areas.

  • Invest in education and sustainability.

  • Innovate in humanitarian work.